
One-on-one coaching enables you to gain insights into the underlying dynamics of challenges you are facing and guides you to apply those insights to create the life you want.

Live Workshops & Seminars

We offer practical workshops and seminars that help you build the skills and tools you need to thrive in your post-career life.

Workshops At Your Own Pace

Explore the issues and opportunities that retirement presents at your own pace. This option is the best of both worlds – a structured and guided approach that you follow as quickly or slowly as is comfortable for you.


Marianne’s speeches share insights and experience about the challenges and opportunities in our post-career lives. Audiences walk away with practical advice and useful resources.

About Retire and Be Happy

Retire and Be Happy provides information and guidance for moving through the transitions that occur in the third act of your life.

Moving away from your career creates change in every aspect of your life. Although your financial security is important, your happiness and well-being come from the non-financial side life.

We focus on helping you live a fulfilling and meaningful life. You gain the knowledge and insights you need through our workshops, seminars, speaking engagements, and individually tailored guidance.


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    Is Retirement Like the Coronavirus?

    In several ways – yes. Here are a few: • Paralyzing fear and anxiety – Many people face retirement with an overwhelming fear of what it will be like. So […]

    How to Stay Relevant in Retirement

    We all know that in the work world, it is critical to stay “relevant” if you want to keep your job. In other words, you have to stay knowledgeable about […]

    The Impact of Retirement on Couple’s Relationships

    -By Guest blogger: Sara Yogev, Ph.D In contrast to the extensive time people usually devote to financial planning for retirement, they often neglect to plan for the psychological aspect of […]

    What to do if you haven’t saved enough for retirement

    -By Bob Foley, Legacy Transition Coach I’ve read the various surveys reporting that many Baby Boomers feel that they have not saved enough for retirement. Many say the reason is […]

    5 Secrets to Aging Successfully

    70% of physical aging and about 50% of mental aging is determined by lifestyle…the choices we make every day. Science has proven that we control how well we age. There […]

    The Embarrassing Side Of Retirement

    -By Robert Laura, Contributor at Forbes A retired family member needed some medical supplies. My wife usually takes care of this stuff, but she was out of town, so the […]

    Is there life after work?

    Authors seek your insights for new book about women and retirement By Leslie Inman and Roxanne Jones Is there life after work? That’s one of the big existential questions many […]


    Nowhere to go on Monday morning! No colleagues to meet for lunch! No money to pay for lunch! Guess what? News Flash! You are not alone. On a daily basis, […]

    Myths about Retirement – Part 2

    In my last blog we talked about the importance of not buying into some of the myths about retirement that are just not true. If you buy into a myth, […]

    Myths about Retirement – Part 1

    Just like most things you don’t really understand, it’s easy to believe the stories you hear about retirement. Some are true. But, there are a fewwidely held beliefs about life […]

    Success Stories

    Bert was a highly successful entrepreneur. He had been delaying “retiring” for several years. He loved what he did and just couldn’t imagine not working. His work was demanding and highly dependent upon him being responsive to the schedule of his clients. As a result, a large part of his time was devoted to his work. (more…)


    Shirley was a very successful sales rep. She was consistently a top producer and won a number of awards. Shirley and her husband moved to beautiful Naples, Florida with the blessing of her company since she could still cover her territory from here. About a year later there was a change in management and with it a change in philosophy. This team did not like “remote” workers. Shirley was told that she had to move back to the city (more…)


    Rich was running a very important airborne EMS unit in a large county. He was very experienced and highly knowledgeable. He had made significant contributions to improving the success of department’s effectiveness. And then he learned the unit was being shut down… It was devastating for him. (more…)

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